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Super Family

Fictional TV Seres (26 Episodes of 13 minutes each) — BRA, 2019 - CPB B1800287800000
Captura de Tela 2021-06-14 às 15.21.05.p


What are the challenges children meet in family life? Faced with the new family configurations nowadays, a small group of children will discover that living in a family is pure confusion, but that, nevertheless, comes with incredible surprises and unexpected discoveries! Along with personal conflicts, the children discover that they are not alone, that everything is very complicated and very fun and that, above all, they all form a Super Family!


Fiction TV series consisting of 26 episodes of 13 minutes each. The project was included in the FSA / BRDE Public Notice for 2016. The premiere on TV took place in August 2019 on national television on TV Cultura.
Format: Full HD 1080p
Duration: 26 episodes of 13 minutes each
Genre: Fictional TV Series // Dramatic Comedy
Target audience: Children under 12
Language: Portuguese w/ English Subtitles


1 Time to Change
2 The Attic
3 In the next room
4 When the Walls Clash
5 Happy Birthday to You!
6 World (Not So) Distant
7 Departure Day
8 End of Holidays
9 The Phantom of Fear
10 The Double Agent
11 To be or not to be
12 A Badly Told Story
13 Alone in the Dark
14 Terran Family
15 Broken Spell
16 Invasion
17 Farewell Time
18 Small Great Rituals
19 The Cinema Session
20 Mysteries of the Human Body
21 The Separation
22 Lost in the Jungle
23 Boy or Girl?
24 Adventure in History
25 The Time Capsule
26 After All, All Over Again!



Anajú da Silva Santos (Janaína), Arthur Zanin (Pedrinho), João Guilherme Ota (Lucas), Julio Buzignani Storto (Chiquinho), Luiza Quinteiro (Mavi), Maria Júlia Assis (Juliana), Alexandre Simioni (Aguiar), Andréa Finck (Vanessa), Dora Pires (Dona Elenice), Jersey Gogel (Joaquim), Laura Lopes (Sandra), Luiz Castelo Branco (Seu Gustavo), Rebeca de Carvalho (Luciana), Vitor Rocha (Vini) e Zazou Wave (Seu Agenor)


Direction: Rodrigo Grota
Story and Screenplay: Roberta Takamatsu
Production: Guilherme Peraro
Cinematography: Carlos Ebert, ABC
Art Direction: Amanda Coelho & Julio Vida
Music: Rodrigo Guedes
Direction of Production: Jackeline Seglin
Editing: Flávia Fodra, João Vitor Moreno & Raquel Deliberador
Sound: Bruno Bergamo
Costumes: Nathalia Oncken
Graphics: Lasca Studio (Arthur Duarte & Ana Luiza)
Image Post-Production: Bruno Baltarejo
Mixing and Sound Editing: Felipy Andrade & Otavio Santos (Overdub)
Gaffer: Ricardo Costa Barros (Carioca)
Construction Manager: Luiz Rossi
Make-up Artist: Evelize Chaiben
Props: Camila Melara
Casting: Lucas Pullin, Marina Stuchi & Carlos Fofaun Fortes
Script Supervisor: Auber Silva
Camera Operators: Anderson Craveiro & Manoel Coimbra
Logger: Allan Ferreira
Art Assistants: Danilo Hokama, Fernando Zuin, Louisa Savignon & Suellen Estanislau Cerino
Director Assistants: Gustavo Nakao & Rafael Ceribelli
Photography Assistants: Allan Ferreira & Guilherme Garcia Mortean
Production Assistants: Aleksa Marques, Bruno Marconato, Carlos Fofaun Fortes & Juliana Boligian
Script Assistants: Alessandra Pajolla & Maria Vitória Ticiani
Costume Assistant: Thaís Blanco
Props Assistants: Anna Martha & Marília Sbaglia
Sound Assistants: Eduardo Lopes Touché & Giovani Nori
Script Supervisor Assistants: João Vitor Moreno & Raquel Deliberador
Make-up Assistant: Naraya Ferreira Pontes
Costumes Interns: Ariane Reis Albuquerque & Letícia Aragão Correia
Photography Interns: Luisa Nogari Machado & Leon Gregório
Art Interns: Beatriz Ganeo Pires, Maria Luiza Costa & Renan Merlin
Production Interns: Carolina Lima de Oliveira & Juliana Pereira
Art Production: Alexandre Kassis
Opening and End Credits: Yan Sorgi (Captura) & Arthur Duarte (Lasca Studio)
Artistic Painting: Natália Ugolini
Still & Making of: Renata Cabrera
Pedagogue: Adriana Keller Buzignani
Controller: Fernando Peraro
Production Secretary: Rafaela Pifer



27/08/2019 - TV Cultura


Days 01/10 and 08/10 at 15h - Special Children's Kinopus Session
Screening of 3 episodes (EPs 17, 18 and 19)
07/11 - Kinopus Special Super Family Session
5 pm (EPs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
19h (EPs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
11/11 - Kinopus Special Super Family Session
5 pm (EPs 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
19h (EPs 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 26)


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